About the Drilling and Completions Committee
The Drilling and Completions Committee (DACC) is an industry committee that is governed by representatives from the following trade associations: CAPP, EPAC, CAOEC, and Enserva. Associate members include representatives from the federal and provincial energy regulators, as well as occupational health and safety regulators.
DACC brings together experts from industry and regulatory bodies to address key challenges and improve overall performance. Energy Safety Canada (ESC) plays an important support role as the secretariat for DACC.
DACC is responsible for creating Industry Recommended Practices (IRPs), which aim to:
- Enhance Cost Efficiency: Reducing expenses without sacrificing quality.
- Optimize Operations: Streamlining processes to achieve better results.
- Boost Productivity: Improving outcomes for the entire sector.
- Prioritize Safety: Protecting workers, assets, and communities.
- Advance Environmental Performance: Reducing the environmental impact of operations.
Current Projects List
IRP 03 | In Situ Heavy Oil Operations
- Project start date: November 2024
- Focus of update: Redefine scope of IRP and flag sections for redaction or update.
- Next milestones: Request approval of scope change for IRP 3 at February DACC meeting.
IRP 22 | RMD / MPD / UBD Operations
- Project start date: November 2024
- Focus of update: Redefine scope of IRP and flag sections for redaction or update.
- Next milestones: Request approval of scope change for IRP 3 at February 2025 DACC meeting.
IRP 24 | Fracture Stimulation
- Project start date: February 2023
- Focus of update: Full scope review. The intent is to focus on fracture planning zones (FPZ), FPZ conflict processes, iron management and sample case studies.
- Next milestone: Scheduled for industry review Q3 2025.
IRP 29 | Fracture Stimulation
- Project start date: May 2021
- Focus of update: Define temporary pipework, provide minimum standards for selection, implementation and use, and outline safety measures for application to the oil and gas industry.
- Next milestone: Out for industry review until April 1, 2025. Provide feedback on the draft IRP 29 document.
Available Industry Recommended Practices
IRP Volume #01 - Critical Sour Drilling
Sanction date: March 2015
IRP Volume #02 - Completing and Servicing Sour Wells
Sanction date: January 2022
IRP Volume #03 - In Situ Heavy Oil Operations
Sanction date: November 2012
Currently under review
IRP Volume #04 - Well Testing and Fluid Handling
Sanction date: January 2025
IRP Volume #05 - Minimum Wellhead Requirements
Sanction date: June 2018
IRP Volume #06 - Critical Sour Underbalanced Drilling - Retired
Sanctioned January 2004, retired October 2023.
IRP Volume #07 - Competencies for Critical Roles in Drilling and Completions
Sanction date: April 2019
IRP Volume #08 - Pumping of Flammable Liquids
Sanction date: 2016
IRP Volume #13 - Wireline Operations
Sanction date: February 2020
IRP Volume #14 - Non-Water Based Drilling Fluids
Sanction date: November 2014
IRP Volume #15 - Snubbing Operations
Sanction date: February 2020
Review date: 2025
IRP Volume #20 - Wellsite Design Spacing Requirements
Sanction date: November 2022
IRP Volume #21 - Coiled Tubing Operations
Sanction date: September 2021
IRP Volume #22 - RMD / MPD / UBD Operations
Sanction date: March 2021
Currently under review
IRP Volume #24 - Fracture Stimulation
Sanction date: April 2016
Currently under review
IRP Volume #25 - Primary Cementing
Sanction date: January 2017
IRP Volume #26 - Wellbore Remediation
Sanction date: November 2020
IRP Volume #27 - Wellbore Decommissioning
Sanction date: February 2022
IRP Volume #28 - Drilling and Completion Waste Management
Sanction date: January 2022
IRP #29 - Fracture Stimulation
Currently under review
IRP Volume #30 - Temporary Wellbore Suspensions
Sanction date: September 2024
Committee Members
Abul Kabir
Canadian Energy Regulator
Alexandra Robertson
Alberta Energy Regulator
Andrea Coli
Brent Kawalilak
Alberta Energy Regulator
Claudette Panei
Fazal Hussain
OHS Program Delivery
Gary Ericson
SK Ministry of Energy and Resources
Jennifer Paterson
Explorers and Producers Association of Canada
Jim Delsing (Chair)
Conoco Phillips
John Taskinen
Snubco Pressure Control Ltd
Jordan van Besouw
B.C. Energy Regulator
Katy Carley
Lindsay Sinclair
Russell English
Worksafe BC
Russell Nibogie
Ryan McDowell
Ryan Robertson
Terry Kuiper
Stampede Drilling
Tom Pawlowski
Worksafe BC