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DACC IRP Volume #20 – Wellsite Design Spacing Requirements

IRP 20 provides practical and efficient wellsite design to meet regulatory requirements and accommodates the services in a manner that allows for the protection of workers, the public and the environment.
January 9, 2023

IRP 20 is to provide guidance for practical and efficient wellsite design to create a wellsite that meets regulatory requirements and accommodates the services required in a manner that allows for the protection of workers, the public and the environment.
The original IRP 20 wellsite spacing requirements was based on the design characteristics of the drilling, completion and operations technology in use at the time. The use of multistage hydraulic fracturing and drilling of multi-well pads was rare. In cases where historical multi-well pads did exist, spacing between the wells was often dictated by safety requirements arising from sour gas regulations. The changing scope of work and evolving technologies made significant changes in surface configuration to minimize overall footprint and consolidate more subsurface development onto a single larger pad. This triggered the revisions for Edition 2 to make the document more reflective of current practices for site design and clarify the criteria relevant to construction, drilling, completions and production that influence site design.
For Edition 3 of the document, the impact of simultaneous operations needed to be expanded to reflect the current working environment. A full scope review of the content was included in this edition.

Developer: DACC
Sponsor Organizations: CAPP, Enserva, CAOEC
Current Status: Sanctioned November 2022
Feedback: To provide feedback or comments on IRP 20, please use the Feedback Form and send to
