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DACC IRP Volume #04 - Well Testing and Fluid Handling

Well Testing and Fluid Handling Industry Recommended Practice (IRP) provides guidelines for well testing and fluid handling operations for all personnel.
January 16, 2025

Provide recommended practices for safe well testing and fluid handling operations.

Oil and gas company engineers, field consultants, well testing and fluid handling personnel, other specialized well services personnel and local jurisdictional regulators.

Scope and Limitations
The scope for this IRP includes land-based operations in Western Canada spanning from British Columbia (BC) to Manitoba and the Territories.

It includes personnel requirements and operational procedures pertaining to well testing and the loading, unloading and transportation of fluids. IRP 4 is not intended to replace local jurisdictional regulations or the transportation regulations that are already defined in the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) regulations. While the IRP addresses operations in western Canada the logic can be applied to other jurisdictions.

The recommendations within IRP 4 are the general, minimum recommended procedures and best practices necessary to carry out operations in a manner that protects people (the public and workers) and the environment. IRP 4 does not eliminate the need for a risk-based approach for each company’s individual operations.

Developer: DACC
Sponsor Organization: Enserva
Current Status: Sanctioned
Feedback: To provide feedback or comments regarding the IRP 4 Draft or any of the defined terms, please use the Feedback Form and send it to  
