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DACC IRP Volume #29 - Temporary Pipework, Securement and Restraint (Available for Industry Review)

IRP Volume 29 is now available for industry review. The document defines temporary pipework, provides minimum standards for its selection, implementation of use and more.
November 29, 2024
Temporary pipework is mobilized to various well operations and subjected to dynamic conditions, pressure changes and other stresses during storage, transport, and operation.
There is no single temporary pipework design standard and regulatory requirements vary across western Canadian jurisdictions, which creates the potential for failure. For example, connections may be compatible but may be designed to operate at different working pressures than other components of the system. Some jurisdictions mandate the use of engineered restraint systems to secure temporary flow piping at worksites.
This Industry Recommended Practice provides a uniform, risk-based approach to enhance safety when using a temporary pipework system. The IRP outlines the design, assembly, and potential failure contributors as factors to consider during a site-specific risk assessment for the use of temporary pipework.
The audience includes those involved in the planning, set up and use of temporary pipework. This applies to drilling, completions, workovers, well servicing and decommissioning operations.
Developer: DACC
Sponsor Organization: CAPP
Current Status: Out for Initial 120-day Industry Review
Feedback: To provide feedback or comments regarding the IRP 29 Draft or any of the defined terms, please use the Feedback Form and send it to
