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Electrical Safety | A Program Development Guide

This guideline provides direction and information to establish an electrical safety program, including how to identify and assess electrical hazards and associated risks related to a work task. Companies may use the guideline to develop an electrical safety program, perform an audit or gap analysis of existing systems, or apply the guideline’s templates, processes, tools and additional resources to improve their existing program.
March 31, 2023

Because electricity is invisible and we use it constantly, we often fail to recognize the potential risk of exposure to electrical hazards. Provincial and Federal occupational health and safety regulations require that employers provide safe worksites for their employees and contract workers. An electrical safety program should be a part of every organization’s occupational health and safety management system.

What Does the Guideline Cover?

This guideline provides direction and information to establish an electrical safety program, including how to:

  • Identify and assess electrical hazards and associated risks related to a work task.
  • Document the necessary policies and practices to eliminate or reduce the risk of exposure to electrical hazards in the workplace.
  • Document the application of preventive and protective control measures to reduce risk of exposure to electrical hazards to as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).
  • Train workers to identify the electrical hazards and apply appropriate control measures to reduce risk of exposure.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the control measures.

Companies may use the guideline to:

  • Develop an electrical safety program.
  • Perform an audit or gap analysis of existing systems.
  • Apply the guideline’s templates, processes, tools and additional resources to improve their existing program.
