Become a Certified Instructor

Energy Safety Canada instructors take pride in delivering nationally-recognized training courses. Our instructors have on-the-job experience and diverse backgrounds to help students take knowledge from the classroom back to the work site.

Become an instructor and use your experience in the energy industry to help workers get home safe every day.

Instructor Application Process

1. ATP submits referral document at no charge 

This step ensures:

  • Candidate has been vetted
  • ATP assistance is being provided for the certification process
  • Employment with the ATP once the candidate is successful

2. ATP submits application documents

  • Course-specific application and application fee. Only one course certification process should be completed at a time.
  • Two Professional References to verify field and teaching experience
  • Valid ESC certificate in the current classroom version of the course the candidate is applying for

After Approval:

  • Candidate will be enrolled by ESC in the course-specific competency exam and all subsequent steps in the instructor pathway. The ATP will be notified of each step. 

All documents should be submitted to



Energy Safety Canada Instructor Application

Your ATP will apply on your behalf and provide you with a course-specific application. The application should include:

  • 2 professional references 
  • Copies of current certificates as indicated in the course specific application

The application will only be reviewed if it is accompanied by an instructor referral. Each application includes a guide to help you complete the process and determine if becoming a Certified Instructor is right for you. All completed documents can be emailed to: 

Current Certified Instructors may ask an ATP to refer them to instruct additional ESC courses for no additional application fee. 

Application fees

An application fee of $250 is due once a full application is submitted. Please review the Instructor Training Pathway for more information.