February 11, 2025
A worker lost his life while working around a
water storage reservoir.

November 25, 2024
An unknown person or persons entered a remote production facility during the night and proceeded to remove approximately 125m (about 410.1 ft) of #1-gauge copper cable.

September 23, 2024
A light vehicle (LV) entered an active work area where a dozer was back blading in a narrow corridor. The LV operator called the dozer operator via radio but received no response, however continued to approach. The dozer reversed, causing major damage to the LV. The LV operator successfully exited the LV and signaled the dozer operator to stop. There were no injuries.

September 4, 2024
The workers were processing slurry from a storage tank that was used to store shaker screen runoff. A vac truck was used to direct feed the centrifuge through the centrifuge feed pump. As the second load was finished, the centrifuge operator went to the PLC
controls to wind down the machine from its operating speed. At this point, the centrifuge made a loud noise and began to vibrate.

March 11, 2024
A two-person truck crew was loading a rig mat onto a Texas bed truck. An initial loading attempt was unsuccessful. During the second load attempt, the driver engaged the winch while the other crew member was still handling the winch line/deck chains.
The crew member’s fingers were trapped between the winch line and truck bed roller.
The injured crew member suffered serious injuries to their index and middle fingers.

July 26, 2023
A wireline crew was preparing to remove a tool assembly from a well with wireline equipment suspended overhead. The secondary winch line parted, causing the suspended equipment to fall, and the wellhead impact guard prevented the crew from moving outside the strike zone. A wireline operator’s forearm was struck resulting in a serious injury and hospitalization.

February 24, 2023
During a visual inspection of a product storage tank, a trace of solidified product was identified, indicating a crack along the drip ring and the annular bottom plate. The tank specification called for the steel to have a minimum design metal temperature (MDMT) of -40 C but the material became brittle at lower temperatures (-15 C and below), resulting in a crack.

October 27, 2022
During drilling activities in a deep well, a significantly damaged I-beam located below the drilling rig crown block was identified when a melted piece of metal fell to the rig floor. The drill line was spooled incorrectly and had cut almost completely through the I-beam, which was located below the crown block and water table. This could have led to a serious incident.

August 5, 2022
A fatality occurred on July 7, 2022, shortly after 3 am at an oilsands shovel pad location. A team was lowering a pendant cable assembly from a crane when the pendant cable fell resulting in a fatal injury.