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Course Update: Special Oilwell Operator

September 25, 2023

Energy Safety Canada is excited to announce changes to the Special Oilfield program. These modifications better align the course with industry requirements and provide a more flexible learning experience for workers.

What is Changing

Classroom Delivery and Course Manual Discontinued
The Special Oilfield Boilers classroom course is now replaced by Special Oilwell Operator online and the Special Oilfield Boilers Course Manual is no longer available for purchase.

Self-Study Online Course
Participants study at their own pace and convenience.

Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA) Exam Scheduling
Employers/students are responsible for scheduling the ABSA exam directly through ABSA.

Aligned to Industry Requirements
Revamped course content better aligns with the latest industry requirements for Special Oilwell Operators.

Register for Special Oilwell Operator